
Speech addressed by Ambassador Francesco Saverio Giusti to the President of North Macedonia Gjorge Ivanov

Speech addressed by Ambassador Francesco Saverio Giusti to the President of North Macedonia Gjorge Ivanov

Your Excellency Mr. President,
As the new Ambassador of the Sovereign Order of Malta to the Republic of Macedonia, I am deeply honoured to submit my Letters of Credentials today. The Sovereign Order of Malta has long lasting bilateral diplomatic relations with the Republic of Macedonia. The Sovereign Order of Malta, which will celebrate 1000 years from its foundation in 2048, attaches the utmost importance to its relations with the Republic of Macedonia. The Sovereign Order of Malta is a global institution, operating medical, social and humanitarian projects. In the international political field, the Order of Malta is neutral, impartial and non-political. It does not pursue any economic or political goal and it is dedicated to the preservation of human dignity and the care of all those in need, regardless of race or religion.
The Sovereign Order of Malta is active in 120 countries worldwide and has diplomatic relations with over 100 of them. This provides a unique diplomatic humanitarian network which is both a demonstration of its sovereignty and an operational instrument for its humanitarian activities.

There is, indeed, an important operational link between the Order’s diplomatic network and its humanitarian tasks. In fact, the humanitarian activities of the Order of Malta around the world are very largely facilitated by the existence of its diplomatic network, which strengthens its relationships with the government of the countries in which it operates. Thus, the Order’s embassies in different parts of the world are tasked with helping the medical and humanitarian activities in various fields, while diplomatic relations also mean unparalleled access, at the political level, to national governments and international organizations. In its unique nature as sovereign and humanitarian Institution, the Order pursues these goals since centuries.

Since its opening in 1998, the Embassy of the Order of Malta in Skopje has implemented several humanitarian, hospital, social and training activities in different locations of the Country. It is my intention to continue and to foster these humanitarian initiatives. This is my strong commitment as new Ambassador of the Sovereign Order of Malta in the Republic of Macedonia. With the warmest wishes for a happy and prosperous 2019, I express, Mr. President, my sincere gratitude for being here in this very important day of the beginning of my diplomatic mission in this Country.